Previous photos from Balchik: 1 and 2.
Here is just a selection of the many photos we took, all the photos(300) are on picasa
My objective is to create materials, experiences, adventures with impact
that will make the world a little bit more beautiful and also enrich people's lives.
Practically speaking I can help you with graphical design of logos, flyers, banners, brochures, greeting cards,
menus, catalogs, packaging. Any material you may need for print or web, I can help you!
2025.03.08 La multi ani femeilor de toate varstele! Happy birthday to women all ages! Idee de la "I'm every woman, it's all i...
Imi plac pozele si gradinile sunt superbe, imi plac f mult arcadele, si copacii aia fusiformi f f inalti. Iar combinatia de flori, iarba si mare, te lasa fara cuvinte. Ati iesit toti f bine in poze, ma faci sa imi doresc si mai mult o masina, sa evadez si eu pe ici pe colo mai usor. Dupa ce termin cu casa, poate ma orientez. Puuup!