joi, 29 februarie 2024

[Design Afis] [Ilustratie] [Concurs] Povesti cu Vinuri

[Design Afis] [Ilustratie] [Concurs] Povesti cu Vinuri
 Acum cateva saptamani am aflat de concursul "Povesti cu vinuri" organizat de BASF . M-am gandit sa desenez pe tableta/ laptop niste personaje de poveste, o tarancuta care culege struguri din vita de vie, o tarancuta care zdrobeste struguri cu picioarele pentru a face must, un print calare, o masa bogata cu preparate traditionale romanesti. A fost o placere sa desenez pe tableta. Daca aveti nevoie de ilustratii sau design de afis , ma puteti contacta. A few weeks ago I found out about the contest "Stories with wine" organized by BASF. I thought of drawing some fairy tale characters on the tablet/laptop, a peasant woman picking grapes from the vine, a peasant woman crushing grapes with her feet to make wine, a prince on horseback, a rich meal with traditional Romanian dishes. It was a pleasure to draw on the tablet. If you need illustrations or poster design , you can contact me. S-au anuntat cei 5 castigatori. Alegerile juriului sunt dragutele, dar nu sunt foarte

duminică, 25 februarie 2024

Short Ebook Design: Nutrition Essentials with Coach Jay

Short Ebook Design: Nutrition Essentials with Coach Jay
I designed in Canva Pro a 6 pages ebook for an upwork client, "Fuel Your Life: Nutrition Essentials with Coach Jay". It's the summarized, condensed version of the Nutritional Fundamentals ebook  I also designed. You can find out more about this ebook on the  client's site . I designed the layout to be according with client's branding and picked the photos from Canva Pro database. If you have documents you need designed I can help you. I can design them in Corel Draw, Canva, Adobe InDesign or even Microsoft Word if you want them easily editable. I design in accordance with your branding guidelines. See a quick portfolio on  behance . Contact me if you want to discuss. 

Ebook Design: Nutrition Fundamentals

Ebook Design: Nutrition Fundamentals
I designed in Canva Pro a 50 pages ebook for an upwork client. You can find out more about this ebook on the client's site . I designed the layout to be according with client's branding and picked the photos from Canva Pro database. If you have documents you need designed I can help you. I can design them in Corel Draw, Canva, Adobe InDesign or even Microsoft Word if you want them easily editable. I design in accordance with your branding guidelines. See a quick portfolio on behance . Contact me if you want to discuss.  cover What is nutrition? Quality, Balance, Portion Control Macronutrients - Minerals Everyday nutrition, Label Reading Nutrition Strategies. 

joi, 22 februarie 2024

Măria Ta - Social Media Post - Spring Offer

Măria Ta - Social Media Post - Spring Offer
I did a social media post image for in Canva + Bing AI generated image of a yacht similar with our SY Lindor . How do you like it? RELATED: + travel designs

joi, 15 februarie 2024

idei decorare tort

idei decorare tort
Torturi decorate de mine din 2015 pana in prezent. 2024.02.10 cheese-cake decorat cu capsuni, afine si zmeura 2022.12.31  de Revelion  Am facut un tort din blat cumparat, crema de venilie, fructe din compot si frisca. L-am decorat cu 23 margarete din napolitana. cum arata in interior tortul 2020.12.31 de Revelion  cu zmeura, afine si frisca 2019.12.31 de Revelion 2013.11.01 de ziua mea 2012.11.01 de ziua mea 2011.12.26 de Craciun brad din kiwi, cirese confiate si stafide 2011.09.08 de Sf. Maria Mica 2010.12.31 de Revelion 2010.12.05 de Sf. Nicolae 2010.11.01 de ziua mea 2007.12.30 de Revelion 2006.12.25 de Craciun 2006.12.18 de ziua mamei 2005.12.25 de Craciun

marți, 13 februarie 2024

Infographic: PDC Road Map

Infographic: PDC Road Map
  I designed a road map model for a consulting business,  you can find out more about them on:

luni, 12 februarie 2024

Ai Generated Images

Ai Generated Images
2024.02.06 I discovered a new AI engine: Microsoft Bing . I used it to generate images from my dreams and even I generated images for a client. I like it because it creates images very photo-realistic and beautiful. 2024.02.12 beautiful pointy ballet flats with crystals 2024.02.10 from a small age I have this recurring dream with big waves  reaching the building of flats where I am dream with blossomed cherry trees, fleet of stairs and a gheisha dream with a terrace viewing the sea 2023.08.16 I played around in  Open Ai Dalle2  and  midjourney  and created for some articles or greeting cards, some ai generated images. How do you like them? image of women in chamomile field  generated with  Open Ai Dalle2  , used to create a  greeting card image of a sewing woman generated with  Open Ai Dalle2  , used in a fashion article about Slow fashion image of a sewing woman  generated with  midjourney  , used in a fashion article about  Slow fashion image with pianos on a field generated with 

luni, 5 februarie 2024

Top 10 Articole 2023

Top 10 Articole 2023
  Următoarele articole au avut cele mai multe vizualizări in 2023. Pare ca materialele grafice gratuite au avut mare căutare, urmate de calendarul cu zile de naștere si apoi unele poze. Sa mai fac materiale gratuite deci, dar pe cele vechi le-am făcut in funcție de inspirația, necesitatea mea. Am sa vad. 1. Lista de Cumparaturi - Mâncare - Freebee - Multi vizitatori au venit de pe Pinterest unde am incarcat acest design. 2. Plan de Curatenie Saptamanala - mixed freebees and etsy. Articol despre foi de ajutor in organizarea casei si curatenie. Cred ca tot de pe pinterest au venit multi vizitatori. 3. Calendar Zile de Nastere - gasiti pe etsy 4. campul de nemtisor, rapita si maci sunt poze din 2014 cu un camp frumos cu flori dar sincer nu inteleg de ce e asa popular?!? 5.   Planificator Financiar de Buget / Cheltuieli - Freebee 6.    Recenzie Curs: Grafica Publicitara Nivel II Avansat | Avantaj Consulting - Prof. Popescu Marian 7.  Birthdays Calendar - pe Etsy 8.  Inspirata de

Infographic: Cooking Oil Route from Production to Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Infographic: Cooking Oil Route from Production to Sustainable Aviation Fuel
  I designed an infographic style representation of the road has cooking oil from production to being recycled into sustainable aviation fuel. The client provided the logo, background photo and a brief of directions. They wanted both a circular and linear representation. The client is EcoFry, working in the food service industry and providing a full service cooking oil solution that is sustainable. They deliver fresh oil in, collect waste oil out and then convert it into bio fuels reducing waste.