vineri, 10 decembrie 2021

Giveaway de sezon, 8 felicitari

Giveaway de sezon, 8 felicitari
  GIVEAWAY de sezon, fac cadou un set de 8 felicitari de Craciun pe care le puteti scrie si darui prietenilor vostri impreuna cu cadourile de Craciun. Fiecare prieten va avea o felicitare diferita anul acesta. Cum participati aici pe blog? + follow conturilor mele  instagram maria_epuras , facebook urbnstyle , facebook amartis , facebook mariata + share in timeline pe facebook cu tag roAmartis + comentariu cu o urare de Craciun care v-a placut in mod deosebit si adresa voastra de email. Voi premia cea mai inspirata urare. Puteti sa va inscrieti cu mai multe comentarii pe facebook sau instagram .  Inscrieri pana pe 15.12.2021 ora 23:59. Concursul se desfasoara pe mai multe retele de socializare. Voi trimite felicitarile doar pe teritoriul Romaniei. EDITED 16.12. Multumesc tuturor pentru participarea la Giveaway, like-uri si comentarii!  Felicitari Caterina Vasluianu! Ati castigat giveawayul cu cele 8 felicitari! Mi-au placut in mod deosebit 2 urari pe care le-a postat doamna pe faceboo

miercuri, 1 decembrie 2021

Terms and conditions document redesign

Terms and conditions document redesign
On the #upwork platform I did the design of a Document with Terms and Conditions for a German Client working in Consultancy / . It implied designing the layout with blocks of color for headings, choosing the colors in line with the colors used on the website, creating a delicate border in line with the logo of the fairy. The text is Lorem Ipsum for privacy reasons. The real document had 6 pages, this preview, only one, because you get the idea of the design from one page. 

duminică, 21 noiembrie 2021

Course Review: Blogging Masterclass: How To Build A Successful Blog In 2021

Course Review: Blogging Masterclass: How To Build A Successful Blog In 2021
What did I learn from  Blogging Masterclass: How To Build A Successful Blog In 2021  by Brad Merrill on , 3,5 hours of video content, 10,99 euro.  + There is a big difference between / , the first being free, the later not.  + check for relevant articles on a subject + check to learn what questions are trending in your niche. I searched for fashion and style topics and I was disappointed on what I found, people asking about perfect miniskirts, this is the interest? really? so is a bit outdated, or the fashion audience is not there or.. I don't know. + check forums and Facebook/ LinkedIn groups of your niche for ideas of content. Always read the groups rules and follow them. Give quality content before you try to sell/ promote yourself.  + look for niche round-ups you could fit in and approach the owner of the article and let him now you exist by telling him about a valuable content you have written + Content i

duminică, 14 noiembrie 2021

sâmbătă, 13 noiembrie 2021

Redesign of a few documents

Redesign of a few documents
I did the redesign of a few documents: AAs Daily Detox & Cleanse Lifestyle Ritual Sequence, Zeo Body Detox, Integrated self-analysis chart, Primary client assessment,  Primary self- analysis chart for Amanda Allen .   AAs Daily Detox & Cleanse Lifestyle Ritual Sequence Zeo Body Detox Integrated self-analysis chart Primary client assessment Primary self- analysis chart

vineri, 5 noiembrie 2021

Course Review: Introduction to Typography Course Assignments

Course Review: Introduction to Typography Course Assignments
Good course, it teaches you the basics of typography. Course Assignments for  Introduction to Typography by Calarts by Anther Kiley on 3. 2021.11.05 Week 4 Assignment - create a typographic poster. Gill Sans looks like a classical but modern font. It looks best on an orderly design like the one for the London Underground.  2.   2021.10.26 Week 3 Assignment - format the 2 paragraphs written 1. Week 2 Assignment - research a type  History of the Gill Sans Font HISTORY: The British branch of Monotype in 1928 released Gill Sans fonts designed by Arthur Eric Rowton Gill in Britain Europe. He was an English sculptor, stonecutter, typeface designer, and printmaker at the same time. He wished to design the fonts classical and modern with cleanly outlook. Underground Alphabe by Edward Johnston’s of 1916 was the base font of Gill Sans. Eric Gill perfected the design using his specialty of designing and sculpture. The Gill Sans font was first used in England for the London Undergro

sâmbătă, 30 octombrie 2021

Idei de cadouri Craciun pana in 200 lei

Idei de cadouri Craciun pana in 200 lei
Craciunul se apropie si ati putea incepe sa va pregatiti lista cu cadouri de Craciun pentru cei dragi. Eu va propun cateva idei de cadouri pana in 200 lei pe care le-ati putea cumpara celor dragi. Mai gasiti si alte idei in magazinul meu Printado  sau in magazinul meu Etsy .  Pentru ea Bluza Frida Kahlo - Viva la vida 117 lei @ Printado Bluza Fa rai din ce ai  117 lei @ Printado Hanorac dama cu gluga Viva la Vida - Frida Kahlo Negru - 124 lei @ Printado Pentru el Hanorac barbat cu gluga Mihai Eminescu, Vreme trece, vreme vine Negru 124 lei @ Printado Bluza Fa rai din ce ai albastru melanj 117 lei @ Printado Pentru iubitorul de felicitari Felicitare personalizata Pret 150 lei @ O puteti tipari si trimite in plic, o puteti inrama sau o puteti trimite in format electronic. Pret pentru 1-3 persoane de ilustrat. Pentru persoane suplimentare se adauga 50 lei/ pers la cost. Pentru iubitorul de decoratiuni Cana Fa rai din ce ai 50 lei @ Printado Perna personalizata Fa rai

vineri, 29 octombrie 2021

Karibu Business Plan

Karibu Business Plan
I designed the October Business Plan for Karibu. Karibu Solutions Inc. is a technology company based in Toronto, Ontario Canada specializing in marketing of products developed for migrant workers and their employers in international markets.  The result was 2 documents, one for web viewing and one for print. The document for web viewing had 62 pages. It implied formatting the text to match the branding guidelines given, adding photos from a short list of photos, redoing the charts and graphs to match the colors and fonts of the brand. Here are a few pages from the document.

joi, 28 octombrie 2021

Selfportrait at desk

Selfportrait at desk
Pe voi ce va inspira? Ei bine pe mine ma inspira sa lucrez la biroul meu. In fiecare dimineata e timpul meu cu mine la birou. Lucrez la diferite proiecte, scriu in jurnal, citesc. Toate in acest loc predominant alb. Pe voi ce va inspira?

marți, 26 octombrie 2021

Esentiale de toamna

Esentiale de toamna
Design nou in magazinul de pe Printado . (Sortati afisarea produselor dupa cele mai noi.) Esentiale de toamna Sacosa din panza Esentiale de toamna Rosu  60 lei Sacosa din panza Esentiale de toamna Galbena 60 lei Bluza personalizata dama Esentiale de toamna Migdala melanj 117 lei

duminică, 24 octombrie 2021

Giveaway de toamna

Giveaway de toamna
Am organizat un #Giveaway pe Instagram. Ma apropii de 500 de urmaritori si urmeaza si ziua mea, pe 1 noiembrie si am zis ca ar fi frumos sa fac un giveaway de toamna. Toate sunt produse personalizate cu design facut de mine. O bluza cu #FridaKahlo, o sacosa de cumparaturi #faraidinceai, un calendar pentru a nota #zileledenastere ale celor dragi. Vedeti conditiile de participare pe instagram.

duminică, 17 octombrie 2021

Logo redesign

Logo redesign
I did the redesign of a logo for KSB ComServ company. The company sells packaging and wanted to upgrade their logo without changing it too much. I added the box to symbolize the packaging, moved the hands in the lightbulb and made the lightbulb yellow for a touch of patriotism, now the logo has the colors of the Romanian flag. How do you like it?

duminică, 10 octombrie 2021

Brochure about Turkey

Brochure about Turkey
 I did the design for a 4 page travel brochure about Turkey for a travel agency in India.