2024.04.19 V4 updated Because now I keep evidence on digital files, I updated the Home Management Kit on Etsy. Now there are 16 Word Document files and 16 pdf files to download at 4.17 euro only.
Home Management Important:+ cleaning;
+ plants
+ bathroom-inventory;
+ kitchen-freezer Inventory;
+ kitchen-fridge Inventory;
+ pantry-inventory;
+ garden;
Self Care:
+ bathroom-habits, write your self-care habits to keep track of them;
+ repeatable ideas, why not write down all those good new ideas;
+ little accidents, they are inevitable, why not write them down;
+ kitchen-meals, write down when, what you cook;
+ kitchen-meal-plan per week/ family member.
+ sport, write down when you make sport;
+ health, write down when something wrong happens;
+ mental health, write down your different emotions and states;
+ dreams, write down your dreams.
You can still print these files,
v1. after you filled one page or
v2. blank and fill it on paper, as you wish.
I created these forms for me to help me be better organized in home keeping and as they worked for me, I thought maybe they could help somebody else too, why not you?
2023.03.25 V4 updated Am trecut la tinerea evidentei in mod digital, pe PC. Varianta V3 doar ca in Word nu tiparita. E mai usor asa si are avantajul ca pot cauta mult mai repede o informatie. Lucrez la varianta pentru voi de achizitionat pe platforma Etsy. Ramaneti pe aproape.
UPDATE: am adaugat pe Etsy o parte din Kitul de Monitorizare a Casei, il gasiti pe Etsy - 6.55 Euro. E doar in engleza, l-ati dori in romana?
Digital life planner, for use in Microsoft Word. Butterfly theme.
It contains Microsoft Word files, each for a different topic. You can edit the file and add your daily entries.
+ bathroom-selfcare
+ house-cleaning
+ kitchen-meal-plan
+ kitchen-what-I-ate
+ kitchen-what-I-cooked
+ selfcare-dreams
+ ... will add others soon
Enjoy! Please feel free to leave feedback to improve this product. This is a work in progress listing, so the price is a special offer, I will add new pages soon. If you buy this product now I will personally send you this year's updates. I use this system of life management and I find it easy to use and find information, much easier than on paper.
2022.11.29 V3 updated Am revenit la tinerea evidentei casei pe foi A4. De data aceasta 14 foi.
Home Management:
+ cleaning;
+ bathroom-inventory;
+ kitchen-freezer Inventory;
+ kitchen-fridge Inventory;
+ pantry-inventory;
+ plants.
Self Care:
+ bathroom-habits, write your self-care habits to keep track of them;
+ repeatable ideas, why not write down all those good new ideas;
+ little accidents, they are inevitable, why not write them down;
+ kitchen-meals, write down when, what you cook;
+ sport, write down when you make sport;
+ health, write down when something wrong happens;
+ mental health, write down your different emotions and states;
+ dreams, write down your dreams.
Disponibil in Engleza si Romana. Vezi pe TikTok.
Download de pe Etsy 23,80 euro.
2022.04.01 V5 Un nou model de Plan Curățenie: Zilnică, Săptămânala și Lunară. Îl voi folosi și eu, să văd dacă e practic.
Daca doriti sa vedeti mai multe produse de organizare de pe acest blog (daily planner, calendar zile nastere, planificator financiar-gratuit) apasati aici.
2022.04.01 V4 Sistemul cu foi A4 nu era destul de practic asa ca am decis sa rezerv pagini speciale in jurnal/ agenda personala pentru diferite categorii. Am pagina dedicata pentru:
+ curatenie
+ gradinarit
+ idei bune/ repetabile
+ ingrijire personala
+ drumuri cu masina
+ vise
+ gatit
Completez in fiecare dimineata progresul din ziua precedenta. E interesant de vazut la cat timp fac anumite activitati si alte statistici.
2020.08.28 V3 O vreme am facut niste foi A4 speciale pentru toate activitatile de curatenie pe care le faceam. Cand faceam ceva, completam in formularul corespunzator curateniei. Am facut un dosar cu mai multe foi cu diferite subiecte: curatenie, accidente, idei repetabile, vizite, cautari muzicale. Cititi mai multe in articolul dedicat Home Monitoring Kit, Home Keeping Kit
2019.01.25 V2
Tineti evidenta sarcinilor saptamanale de curatenie prin casa cu acest instrument de organizare printabil. Aveti trecute o lista de sarcini de facut in fiecare saptamana, zi cu zi, in fiecare camera principala a casei:sufragerie, birou, bucatarie, dressing, dormitor, baie. Este un spatiu in partea superioara pentru a trece saptamana curenta. In partea de jos sunt spatii lasate necompletate pentru
alte sarcini.
Cleaning Schedule Printable, Weekly, Clean House Schedule Checklist, Daily Cleaning Checklist, Cleaning by Room Checklist, Cleaning Planner
Keep track of your daily cleaning tasks with this easy to use printable. You have a list of tasks to do on a weekly basis for each room of the house: living room, home office, kitchen, dressing room, bedroom, bathroom. There's a field in the top to add the week date.
In the letter format at the bottom of the page there are fields where you can ad other tasks.
2018.01.24 draft
Pentru ca aveam nevoie de o structura pentru un program de curatenie saptamanala, m-am interesat pe google de cleaning schedule si am gasit cateva sugestii. Cel mai interesant model mi s-a parut acesta, asa ca l-am tradus, adaptat. Dupa cum vedeti are mai multe sectiuni, puteti sa faceti din activitati zilnic, sau sa va alegeti o zi din saptamana sa faceti activitatile dintr-o sectiune sau aleatoriu dupa cum aveti timp. Acesta e varianta 1, mai urmeaza imbunatatiri dupa ce voi vedea cat de eficient este. Daca aveti sugestii/ idei de a-l modifica sunt deschisa sa le primesc si de ce nu, sa le implementez. Daca ati vrea un carnetel cu aceste foi tiparite, sa ma anuntati la adresa
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