What did I learn from Blogging Masterclass: How To Build A Successful Blog In 2021 by Brad Merrill on udemy.com , 3,5 hours of video content, 10,99 euro. + There is a big difference between wordpress.org / wordpress.com , the first being free, the later not. + check BuzzSumo.com for relevant articles on a subject + check Quora.com to learn what questions are trending in your niche. I searched for fashion and style topics and I was disappointed on what I found, people asking about perfect miniskirts, this is the interest? really? so Quora.com is a bit outdated, or the fashion audience is not there or.. I don't know. + check forums and Facebook/ LinkedIn groups of your niche for ideas of content. Always read the groups rules and follow them. Give quality content before you try to sell/ promote yourself. + look for niche round-ups you could fit in and approach the owner of the article and let him now you exist by telling him about a valuable content you have...
*2025.02.05 Sesiuni 49 &50* Școala de Navigație Măria Ta Travel and
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