joi, 15 august 2024

Prajituri de Sf. Maria Mare

Prajituri de Sf. Maria Mare
2024.08.15  Selectia de prajituri de anul acesta.  Ioana, fata mea, a vrut doar din inimioara rosie sa manance, era buna, cu visine. 2022.08.15  Selectia de prajituri de anul acesta de la Cofetaria Princess Cake Store  Constanta 2019.08.15 Selectia de prajituri de anul acesta.  (long time no see around here) Nu va inchipuiti ca le-am mancat eu pe toate, am mancat... din toate cam 1/4, restul familia. Aranjament floral de la Anthurium Flowers ( site , facebook ) Vroiam o prajitura curcubeu raw vegana   (ceva asemanator cu ce am luat doar ca mai multe culori),  dar nu aveau cand am fost eu la Poftă de Verde ( site , facebook ), asa ca daca tot am batut drumul pana acolo, am luat din aceasta, 17 lei. A fost buna, dar nu e acelasi efect vizual. Apoi am fost la Miss Baker ( site,   facebook ) (e la 6 min de mers pe jos de Poftă de Verde). Am ales clasic, un cheesecake cu fructe de pădure, yum yum si .. ca sa incerc ceva nou, am luat si o prajitura cu ciocolata

marți, 13 august 2024

The USErarchy of Needs | Utilizarhia Nevoilor

The USErarchy of Needs | Utilizarhia Nevoilor
I have found this exact idea on the internet , a meme, " the buyerarchy of needs " it was called and I liked it, but it was very simple, I complicated it. lol I changed the name, because I thought the "buying part" should be the last option, so the name should reflect that, so I chose "userarchy of needs". #free #textures from #pixabay #coreldraw #software of choice I also wrote a while ago 2 articles on # sustainability and # slowfashion , you can read them on the blog (I brought them on the first page) #design #graphicdesign #fashion #fashiontips #shopping #shoppingtips I like this idea, and would like to make it happen, I use what I have, I repair whenever possible, I create, I sometimes thrift books, and ofc I buy, but I rarely borrow/ swap. It's a sensible area. Do you prioretize your aquisitions this way? Would you? No offence Mr. Maslow . 

duminică, 11 august 2024

Ioana playing with soap bubbles

Ioana playing with soap bubbles
  Ioana playing with soap bubbles. Ioana jucandu-se cu baloane de sapun. Canon 750D, obiectiv Canon 50mm 1.4

miercuri, 7 august 2024

[Etsy] Amartis Design Store

[Etsy] Amartis Design Store
  I have made my Etsy Shop, Amartis Design a few years ago, but I had just the birthday calendars -digital download to sell for a long time. The birthday calendars are my best selling product. They are available in 2 versions, one colorful, full of specific elements of the seasons/ months and one more classy, with muted colors, simple  > this one is the best seller, I even sent it to Etsy Design Awards for consideration. I have made only 36 sales so far (in 6 years), but I am gratefull for each of them. I have a few discounts, only one aplicable per shopping cart: 10% - add my product to your favourites 15% - buy 2 products 15% - use code AMARTISBLOG 20%- buy 3 products Visit and if you like any products let me know ... by writing me or buying 😊 #etsy #amartisdesign #etsyfinds #etsygifts #etsysale #etsycoupon #shopsmall Happy for over 30 sales. Discounts:

joi, 1 august 2024

Viva la Vida, Frida Kahlo

Viva la Vida, Frida Kahlo
2021.08.15 Am adaugat o noua serie de produse in magazin, cu Frida Kahlo. Le gasiti pe Update 2024.02  Am vandut primul tricou pe  waw! Pana in acest moment acest design fusese purtat doar de mine. Tricou dama 70 lei Tricou STANLEY STELLA dama Viva la Vida - Frida Kahlo Negru

Tricou Mihai Eminescu, Vreme trece, vreme vine

Tricou Mihai Eminescu, Vreme trece, vreme vine
După tricoul cu Frida Kahlo pe care l-am desenat, m-am gandit sa fac si alte tricouri in aceeasi idee. Ideea: cum ar arata in vremurile noastre cativa artisti recunoscuti. Si m-am gandit sa il desenez pe poetul nostru national, Mihai Eminescu. Desi nu arata prea bine sa pui mult text pe un tricou, am adaugat si cateva versuri. Cititi restul poeziei Glosa la linkul urmator . L-am desenat imbracat in hanorac negru, sacou gri (mereu mi-a placut aceasta combinatie, mi se pare moderna) si pantaloni maro. Am adaugat in mana dreapta un ziar Convorbiri Literare din 1 Maiu 1869, cand Eminescu ar fi avut 19 ani. Poza care a inspirat desenul, printre cele mai cunoscute ale poetului, e de cand Eminescu avea 19 ani. Stelele din fundal aduc aminte de poezia Luceafarul.  Cum va place desenul? Update 2024.01  Am vandut primul tricou pe  waw! Pana in acest moment acest design fusese purtat doar de sotul meu si un verisor. un cadru mai de aproape hanorac barbatesc 124 lei hanor

duminică, 28 iulie 2024

[Etsy] sticker sheet "women" digital download

[Etsy] sticker sheet "women" digital download
  I uploaded on my #etsy #etsyshop "Amartis Design" a new product - a downladdable sticker sheet with drawings of women. You can print the A4/A5 .pdf on sticker paper and cut them and then stick them in your journal. You can use the independent transparent .pngs on your digital journal. These are drawings I did over the time in colored pencils. How do you like them? #stickers #stickersheet #downloads #women #smallbusiness #abtipilduri #afacereameacreativa