EN/ RO : Hello! Welcome to my design blog. My name is Maria and I'm from Navodari, Constanta County, Romania. Here you will find a selection of photos, graphic design works and texts made by me. I hope you enjoy your visit! Feel free to comment what you like!
I offer graphic design services: logo design, layout design for flyers, brochures, eBooks, menu design, packaging design, social media design, merchandise design and photography services, as portrait or fashion photographer.
I started creating graphic design works in college, as a volunteer at a student ONG, BEST Bucharest(Board of European Students in Technology) at Automatic Control and Computer Science University. I worked in this field on and off through the years but I always had a fascination for it. I can say I accumulated more than 10 years of work in this field.Most of this experience was made while working at local ad agencies, only the last years did I start freelancing and working with international clients.
I look for both hourly projects and fixed rates ones In the fields mentioned before. But if you have any graphic design project, do contact me.
Please see my profile and portfolio and invite me to your interview if you think we can work together. Let's talk about your project!
If you need my services as a graphic designer or photographer please contact me at
+ email design@mariata.ro.
short video about my services
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RO: Buna! Bine ai venit pe blogul meu, ma numesc Maria, sunt din Constanta si aici vei gasi o selectie de poze, produse de design grafic si texte ce-mi apartin. Sper sa-ti faca placere vizita! Simte-te liber sa comentezi ceea ce-ti place.
Aici gasiti lucrarile mele de
+ grafica si design
+ fotografii
Daca ai nevoie de serviciile mele ca grafician sau fotograf nu ezita sa ma contactezi pe ro.amartis@gmail.com.
Am inceput sa ma joc in Photoshop in ultimul an de liceu (2001) cand faceam colaje cu mine in diferite locuri frumoase din lume, apoi in primul an de facultate, la facultatatea de Automatica si Calculatoare din cadrul Politehnica Bucuresti m-am inscris in organizatia studenteasca BEST (Board of European Students of Technology), acolo am fost voluntara pe partea de grafica si am facut afise, brosuri, diferite materiale de promovare. Am descoperit ca imi place mult sa ma joc si sa aranjez in pagina imagini, forme, text pentru a crea materiale grafice. Am lucrat apoi in domeniul graficii la cateva agentii de publicitate realizand afise, brosuri, ambalaje, materiale grafice. Am lucrat ca tehnoredactor la o revista, apoi m-am mutat inapoi la Constanta si am mai lucrat la o agentie de publicitate. Dupa ceva timp am decis impreuna cu tatal meu sa deschidem o firma, scoala de navigatie. Firma a crescut si a devenit si agentie de turism si agentie de publicitate unde imi ofer serviciile de designer grafic.
Eu sunt Maria, lucrez ca si graphic designer de mult timp, din facultate. Locuiesc in Navodari, jud. Constanta.
Ca si studii: am facut Facultatea de Automatica si Calculatoare Bucuresti si recent un curs de Grafician la Avantaj Consulting, plus alte mici cursuri onine de la Lindsay Marsh pe platforma Udemy.
Am lucrat la cateva mici agentii de publicitate pe parcursul anilor, in prezent am firma, SRL si lucrez mai mult freelance pe upwork.
Sunt deschisa pentru colaborari la distanta, sau in IRL daca sunteti din zona Constanta, mai mult part time sau project based. Va pot ajuta cu design de pliante, brosuri, afise, prezentari, social media posts, ilustratii vectoriale, logo design, carti de vizita, mock-ups, layout de documente/ carti, coperta carte. Ma puteti contacta prin mesaj privat sau email design@mariata.ro
Va multumesc pentru atentia acordata.
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