Am facut recent redesignul unui eBook tip lead magnet de 15 pagini pentru un client. Am avut la dispoziție pdf-ul vechi cu conținutul text si imagini si logo. Am cizelat puțin logo-ul clientului, il avea doar in format .jpg asa ca l-am vectorizat si schimbat putin fonturile. Am folosit pentru redesign culori din logo-ul clientului (documentul initial nu avea nici macar logo-ul pe nici o pagina si nici o referinta la el). Am inceput designul in Corel Draw dar cum clientul dorea sa poata edita documentul singur, pana la urma l-am facut in Microsoft Word. Cum vă place? I recently redesigned a lead magnet eBook of 15 pages for a client. I had at my disposal the old pdf with the text content and images and logo. I improoved the client's logo a bit, it was only in .jpg format, so I vectorized it and changed the fonts a bit. I used colors from the client's logo for the redesign (the initial document did not even have the logo on any page and no reference to it). I started the desig
[Course] [MasterClass] Karla Welch - Building and Owning Your Personal Style
- had a yearly Labour Day 50% percent promotion on 2
September, and I enrolled, I paid 300 RON for a year of access to all
classes, quit...
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