I did the design for a short (9 pages) ebook following client ( Shore Teams ) template examples and branding. Some pages have fillable boxes with preset text. One box even calculates a value. I designed the base of the ebook in InDesign and made final changes to the fillable forms in Adobe Acrobat Reader. I used free stock images from pixabay.com. <First Name> and <Function Title> are to be filled by the client. Blended rate (Nan) will be calculated by the formula total investement divided by numeber of developers. It's a java script code in Acrobat Reader. var denominator = +getField("Number-dev").value; var numerator = +getField("Investment").value; if (denominator !== 0) { event.value = numerator / denominator; } else { event.value = ""; } I used the code from this resource . If you need help with the design of company documents do contact me.
[Blog] Sâmbătă, 1 Februarie 2025
Am fost la sport la WorldClass - 1 h de biciclit si mers alert la banda,
apoi m-am plimbat putin prin mall.
1) eu in o oglinda dintr-un magazin 2) nis...
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