marți, 9 iulie 2024

[Etsy] Self Care Tracker


I tried over time many forms of keeping track of my life and work around the house. I tried for a while printed sheets, it was fine for a while, but when you want to know when did you do the same thing before it's hard to find. Now I use digital files, which I fill from time to time as things happen around the house.

You can still print these files,
v1. after you filled one page or
v2. blank and fill it on paper, as you wish.

I created these forms for me to help me be better organized in personal self care and house keeping and as they worked for me, I thought maybe they could help somebody else too, why not you? 

They are in Word .doc format and .pdf format, A4. There are 12 files:

Person Self Care:
+ habits, write your self-care habits to keep track of them;
+ repeatable ideas, why not write down all those good new ideas;
+ little accidents, they are inevitable, why not write them down;
+ kitchen-meals, write down when, what you cook;
+ kitchen-meal-plan, for each week;
+ sport, write down when you make sport;
+ health, write down when something wrong happens;
+ mental health, write down your different emotions and states;
+ dreams, write down your dreams.

House Management:
+ cleaning;
+ plants/ garden.

Available in English language.

I'm open to suggestions in making this product better, so if you have any ideas do tell me.

Image via

You can print the files and write on paper or you can write directly in the Word Documents.

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