The year 2023 in numbers 👍 8 returning Upwork clients 👍 19 new Upwork clients 👉 27 d ocuments/ magazines / catalogs / eBook s designed 👉 17 packaging designs 👉 11 logos designed 👉 2 infographics designed 👉 3 commissioned & 4 personal illustrations Thank you to all the clients and collaborators, it was a good year, I surpassed with a little my earnings goal! Thank you to my family and friends for supporting me in following my dreams! See on the blog part of my work in 2023 (not all clients agreed to let the work done by me, be added to my portfolio, some was private) I wish that 2024 is even better and I design even more work and also find more time for my personal projects. Thank you for being here! Happy New Year! 2023 Graphic Design Portfolio Retrospective on Youtube RELATED: + 2022 Round up conclusions
Ținute chic la Fashion Boutique
Am descoperit recent un magazin românesc online cu haine
chic la prețuri accesibile. L-am parcurs și am găsit câteva ținute care
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