sâmbătă, 8 februarie 2025

Birthdays Calendar


RO: Daca aveti multi prieteni si vreti sa nu mai uitati nici o zi de nastere, eu am o solutie simpatica: un calendar pe care il puteti inrama si completa fie scriind pe hartie, fie cu markerul pe sticla. O sa spuneti ca se ocupa facebookul sau calendarul telefonului de remindere insa eu zic ca varianta printata este si ea utila si va da o perspectiva asupra zilelor de nastere de pe parcursul anului.

Calendar pentru Zilele de Nastere: Un calendar usor de folosit, puteti completa cu datele importante/ datele de nastere ale prietenilor din ficare luna. Il puteti inrama si pune undeva la vedere astfel incat sa nu mai uitati nici o data importanta. Poate fi tipărit in format A3 sau A4.  Rame se găsesc la Pepco, Jysk, Ikea (la Pepco cea A3 e 10 lei).


editia 2020

editia 2018

EN: Birthdays Calendar: An easy to use calendar, you can fill in all the important dates by month. You can frame it and put it somewhere you can see it so you don't miss any important date.
You can print it in A3 or A4 format.  Frames can be found at any interior decorations store like Pepco (the A3 is 10 lei). If you have many friends and you don't want to forget a birthday, I have a nice solution: a calendar that you can frame and complete either by writing on paper or with the marker on the glass. You will say that Facebook or the reminders phone calendar take care of it, but I say that the printed version is also useful and will give you a perspective on the birthdays during the year. 

+ There is a personalized box for each month of the year.

+ Room to write dates and names, 10 lines on the 2018 version and 12 lines on the 2020 version.

+ Print a new one each year.

+ Easy to laminate to re-use each year or place in a frame and add birthdays with a marker pen on the glass/plastic so you can wipe them off.

+ Available in English and Romanian language.

You will receive a single page file of the design that you can print onto the paper of your choice and as many times as you need so you can fill in a new planner for each new year.

buy @etsy.com 5,36 Euro

The dates can be typed on the computer.

+ If you have Adobe Photoshop/ Paint / other Image Processing Program

- just import the image/pdf and after you position the cursor in the right space you type the desired person/ date.

+ If you have Microsoft Word

- change Page Setup from Letter/ A4 to 29,7 cm x 42 cm if you want to keep the file dimensions

- import image, choose Behind text option, resize it to fill the page

- insert text boxes without fill or line, start typing, increase line spacing if needed

+ If you have Adobe Pro DC

- Within Acrobat, click on the Tools tab and select Prepare Form.

- Select the included .pdf file. Acrobat analyses your document and adds form fields automatically.

- Add new form fields from the top toolbar, and adjust the layout using tools in the right pane.

Freebee: Free Calendar
* design by calendarpedia.com

Also available in natural colours
buy @etsy.com 5.95 EURO
Model C2 - culori naturale 30 lei - Fișier Digital @Amartis Design Shop

Subscribe to our newsletter mailing list and you get a free birthday calendar(ro/en) on grey.

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