marți, 22 aprilie 2014

Balchik 3

Balchik 3
After visiting Capul Kaliakra we went to Balchik, my mother was tired so she and my father stopped at a restaurant near the palace, leaving me and Mihaela to visit freely the bothanical garden of Balchik which was gorgeos filled with many tipes of tulips and little flowers of all kind. We ate a traditional bulgarian salad and hamsie and another traditional bulgarian food consisting of cooked vegetables and meat, delicious. Previous photos from Balchik: 1 and 2 . Here is just a selection of the many photos we took, all the photos(300) are on picasa

luni, 21 aprilie 2014

Capul Kaliakra

Capul Kaliakra
On a lovely monday, second day of Easter we decided to go to Balchik. I told Mihaela about it and she was thrilled with the idea but uncertain if she could come, in the end she agreed so all 4 of us, me, my parents and Mihaela left for Balchik at about 9:45 from Mangalia. We decided to first go and visit Kaliacra as a friend of mine, Octavia, had recommended it to me. We arrived at the site an hour later, at 10:50. Beautiful sights from the heights, a peninsula surrounded by the sea from all but one parts, loved the gorgeous blue-green colour of the sea, interesting ruins, interesting experience, definetly worth seeing.

duminică, 20 aprilie 2014

Experiecing loss

Experiecing loss
[27th March 2014 07:33] Remember my 2 new boy cats, Tomi and Gica ? Well, one of them, Gica, the orange one, is gone, gone baby gone. My father took them(Gica and Tomi) outside (for the first time in a few months of winter of staying only indoors) while I was at work and after thinking that they both were hidden in the garage, he realised that Giga dissapeared. It's been a few days now and it didn't come back. Tomi was brought in the house now and now an then my parents take it outside. Every time I see Tomi I remember Gica's disappearance, because they were inseparable. When we took them from our neighbor Mirela we thought that it will do them good to be 2 brothers to experience the arrival in a new home, and we thought well, they were doing all things together, sleeping, doing naughty things and especially eating together. But now Tomi is alone. We've lost about 2 nights of sleep because Tomi was crying and searching hopelessly for his brother trough the house in the...

sâmbătă, 19 aprilie 2014

fie ca lumina... Felicitare Paste 2014

fie ca lumina... Felicitare Paste 2014
Felicitare de Paste nu am avut posibilitatea să încondeiez ouă, nu am ustensilele necesare şi nici cadrul potrivit, însă mi-a venit ideea să pictez un ou digital :-), anul trecut am desenat unul de mână însă nu mai ştiu pe unde am pus desenul sper că la un moment dat să am ocazia să şi încondeiez ouă reale urarea "fie ca lumina...." e bine cunoscuta zilele acestea, completaţi fiecare cu ce vă vrea inima...

vineri, 18 aprilie 2014

Un Paste Fericit!

Un Paste Fericit!
Fie ca lumina Pastelui sa va gaseasca alaturi de cei dragi, cu masa indestulata, pace in suflete si multa voie buna ! Am pozat editia de anul acesta a oualor vopsite de Paste in gradina... mai lipsea un iepuras. A fost Suzy temporar sa le miroasa insa nu am apucat sa o pozez :-)

duminică, 13 aprilie 2014

de Florii

de Florii
La multi ani tuturor ce poarta nume de flori! Multa sănătate şi iubire! eu, Maria, purtând o ie cumpărata de la una din manastirile din N Moldovei  şi narcise de la noi din grădină. ce diferenta faţă de anul trecut , anul acesta a plouat şi a fost urât mai toată ziua aşa încît nu am putut să fac poze cu flori cât aş fi vrut.

miercuri, 2 aprilie 2014

marți, 1 aprilie 2014

o legatura unica

o legatura unica
I'm participating to a contest about the special connection between mothers and daughters. Please vote for me here ! (click on the green circle with a white heart inside) I had to write some words about my relation with my mother in Romanian: Buna ziua! De mica ma uitam la mama ca la cea mai frumoasa femeie, cu parul lung, ondulat ea reprezenta pentru mine un ideal de frumusete, intre timp s-a tuns, s-a mai ingrasat insa in inima mea ea e totusi cea mai frumoasa. Avem o relatie speciala, de mica ma alinta, imi zice gogoasa, tzontzoroi, funitza de papaduc, etc. eu ii zic simplu… mami. N-a fost o relatie intotdeauna de lapte si miere am avut certurile noastre, in special in perioada in care nu am avut loc de munca, dar am depasit problemele, eu mi-am gasit un loc de munca si acum relatia noastra e si mai puternica. Imi e draga mama si ma bucur ca Dumnezeu a facut posibil sa o am aproape de mine, sa ma sprijine si sa ma incurajeze, sa strabatem impreuna viata. Am 31 de ani si l...