alb floral
*2014.06.02* Cidem, 29 de ani, economist,
* fusta Zara, bluza Pull&Bear, sandale Antalia, poseta Mango *
*Maria:* *mi-a atras atentia fusta alba plisata si ...
Acum o săptămână
My objective is to create materials, experiences, adventures with impact
that will make the world a little bit more beautiful and also enrich people's lives.
Practically speaking I can help you with graphical design of logos, flyers, banners, brochures, greeting cards,
menus, catalogs, packaging. Any material you may need for print or web, I can help you!
2025.03.010 am mai modificat felicitarea de acum cativa ani. 2024.03.07 am mai lucrat la felicitarea de anul trecut. 2023.04.16 Felici...
noapte tonica...imi place mult acest trimite acasa, in copilarie
RăspundețiȘtergereFrumoasa poza, Amartis!........te descurci foarte bine.
RăspundețiȘtergere****Succes in continuare!****