joi, 28 septembrie 2023

Infographic - Leadership Styles

Infographic - Leadership Styles
  EN: I designed in Canva Pro this infographic about Leadership Styles using client's branding and colors, to be in line with his blog. If you need infographics for your website/ documents/ presentations you can contact me at RO: Am facut designul in Canva Pro al acestor infografice pentru un client de pe Upwork. Am folosit culorile si brandingul clientului pentru a se potrivi cu blogul sau. Daca aveti nevoie de infografice pentru site-ul/ documentele dv. ma puteti contacta la #graphicdesign #canvatemplate #infographic #upwork RELATED: + What is ARR Infographic + Infographics I designed

Infographic - What is ARR

Infographic - What is ARR
  EN: I designed in Canva Pro this infographic about ARR (Annual Recusing Revenue) using client's branding and colors.  RO: Am facut designul in Canva Pro al acestor infografice pentru un client de pe #upwork Am folosit culorile si brandingul clientului pentru a se potrivi cu blogul sau. Daca aveti nevoie de infografice pentru site-ul/ documentele dv. ma puteti contacta la #graphicdesign #canvatemplate #infographic RELATED: + Leadership Styles Infographic + Infographics I designed

marți, 19 septembrie 2023

Portret Personalizat - Copil

Portret Personalizat - Copil
  Am facut un giveaway de toamna recent, pe instagram , iar unul dintre premii a fost un portret personalizat in valoare de 250 lei. A castigat dna. @ ramona_popa33 si dansa a dorit un portret al unui copil, puteti vedea poza originala pe profilul dansei . Cum va place cum a iesit? RELATED: + Portret Personalizat

joi, 7 septembrie 2023

Logo Design: My Driving Online - Australian Driving School

Logo Design: My Driving Online - Australian Driving School
  I did the design for the logo for an Australian Driving School. The client had a very clear idea of what he wanted symbols wise, the client wanted a steering wheel, a blue car and the letters L and P. I did my best and sent him a few proposals. He liked the version on the left but after a while he wanted it updated to be put on a blue background. I didn't design the car wrap design, another designer was in charge, but I liked the photo, the logo does look good on the blue car. How do you like it? LOGO DESIGN SERVICES : Contact me at  / 0755 072 882 if you need help designing your logo. ( more info )