joi, 28 aprilie 2022

vineri, 22 aprilie 2022

Un Paste Fericit!

Un Paste Fericit!
Un Paște Fericit tuturor!  Oua incondeiate de mine acasa, folosind cunostintele acumulate la Atelierul de incondeiat oua . Anul acesta am incondeiat in mai multe culori, am facut cum le spune, oua muncite. Oua cu rosu si galben si un ou in rosu, galben si albastru. Au iesit dragute. Insa mie nu imi ies liniile prea drepte ci miscate si nesigure. Dar mie imi place cum au iesit ouale incondeiate chiar si asa. Am facut si oua intr-o singura culoare, rosii, galbene, albastre si verzi. Pentru cele verzi, galbene si albastre am folosit vopsea sidefata Pearl- de la Take, pentru cele rosii. vopsea Carmin - Dr. Oetker. Cele sidefate au iesit bine dar nu stiu de ce, instructiunile zic sa tii recipientul de vopsea in apa fiarta 5 min si el se crapa de la caldura si se raspandeste culoarea in apa, neplacut! pe unul nu l-am pus in apa calda si nu s-a lichefiat vopseaua, nu curgea deci nu stiu care e solutia? apa calduta, cateva min? Am gatit ciorba de miel, drob, urmeaza friptura si cozonac si ...

miercuri, 20 aprilie 2022

Felicitare Paste 2022

Felicitare Paste 2022
  2022.04.20   Felicitarea de anul acesta este cu o familie de iepurasi, tati, mami si micutul iepuras (micuta iepurica mai exact). Ca tot ma cheama Epuraș. :-) Cum va place? Pret 15 lei This year, I have made a greeting card with a family of bunnies/ rabbits, dad, mom and little bunny. girl. How do you lik e it? #card #greetingcard #ilustratie #ilustratoare #ilustratoriromani #illustration #bunny #rabbit #easter #paste #redeggs #paintedeggs #romania #constanta #navodari

duminică, 17 aprilie 2022

Building Illustration

Building Illustration
I did the illustration of a building in daytime summertime and in nighttime winter. Client's feedback: "Maria delivered an exceptional design on what we requested. Thank you very much!"

WPAP, POP ART Portrait

WPAP, POP ART Portrait
WPAP is a Cubist-inspired style of geometric pop art. Popularized in the late 1990's by Indonesian artist Wedha Abdul Rasyid, Wedha's Pop Art Portraits or 'WPAP' for short, are easily recognizable by their sharp lines and wild, vibrant color schemes. You can find many tutorials on YouTube, just search for Wpap pop art portrait. This is my take on a portrait of mine.

luni, 11 aprilie 2022

Flyer for a Doctor in Podiatric Medicine

Flyer for a Doctor in Podiatric Medicine
I designed a flyer for a doctor in Podiatric Medicine. The text has been lorem ipsum -ized and the photo changed for privacy reasons.  Client Feedback: " Maria is very talented and her ideas are awesome! She completed the work within hours and took the stress off the entire project for me. Her response time is flawless and she is very professional. "  

miercuri, 6 aprilie 2022

Lions Den Google Slides Presentation

Lions Den Google Slides Presentation
I did the redesign of a presentation of 143 slides for Lions Den Mastermind. To maintain a cohesive look, I used their website as a starting point for the design. How do you like it?