sâmbătă, 31 decembrie 2022

2022 - Round Up - Conclusions

2022 - Round Up - Conclusions
The year 2022 in numbers 👍  32 new clients: 29 upwork, 3 networking 👉 28 documents/ magazines / catalogs / ebooks designed 👉 15 packaging designs 👉 58 social media designs 👉 57 images edited 👉184 wedding invitations/ wedding menus completed 👉 3 commisioned illustrations 👉 22 personal illustrations 👉 10 logos designed 👉 4 posters designed 👉 8 ads designed 👉 2 presentations designed 👉 1 infographic designed 👉 2 patterns designed 👉 1 roll up designed 👉 5 flyers designed Thank you to all the clients and colaborators, it was a great year! Thank you to my family and friends for supporting me in following my dreams!  See on the blog part of my work in 2022  (not all clients agreed to let the work done by me, be added to my portfolio, some was private) illustrations I did, some personal projects and some client work illustrations I have drawn some designs I did for various clients I am happy with this round-up, it's probably better than last year. I wish that 2023...

luni, 26 decembrie 2022

Daily Illustration - Christmas Edition

Daily Illustration - Christmas Edition
Well not quite daily yet, it's almost daily illustration or wannabe daily illustration. I bought a Ultrabook 2in1 Asus Zenbook 14 Flip because I wanted a laptop and a tablet to draw on. The following illustrations are made either in Photoshop or in Corel Draw or in Corel Draw and then Photoshop. Ei bine nu chiar inca, e .. aproape in fiecare zi. Am cumparat un Ultrabook 2in1 Asus Zenbook 14 Flip pentru ca vroiam si laptop dar si tableta pe care sa desenez. Ilustratiile urmatoare sunt facute in Photoshop sau in Corel Draw sau in Corel Draw si apoi Photoshop. 7 - 2022.12.24  my parents portrait for Christmas 6 - 2022.12.19  Christmas candle / lumanare de Craciun 5 - 2022.12.17 Christmas decorated door 4 - 2022.12.16 wreath / coronita 3 - 2022.12.10 mittens/ manusi rosii 2 - 2022.12.06 cizma Mos Nicolae 1- 2022.12.02 smiling snowflake / fulg zambitor

sâmbătă, 17 decembrie 2022

Felicitare Personalizata de Craciun

Felicitare Personalizata de Craciun
Felicitare Personalizata de Craciun Daca doriti sa faceti un cadou creativ si original anul acesta alegeti o felicitare personalizata. Folosind una sau mai multe poze de-ale dumneavoastra si impreuna cu elemente de sezon alese de comun acord voi face un colaj/design deosebit. E posibil sa fac un desen cu persoana in loc de colaj. Este posibil sa facem felicitarea si doar din elemente grafice, fara poze daca doriti ceva mai business.  Pret 250 de lei / 1 personaj + 75 lei / alt personaj adaugat In pret e inclus fisierul digital al felicitarii in format .jpg O puteti trimite pe email sau posta pe facebook, instagram sau alte retele de socializare.  Eventual o puteti si imprima. Felicitarile pot fi facute si cu alte ocazii, zile de nastere/ alte sarbatori. Comenzi la ro.amartis@gmail.com. Personalized Card for Christmas If you want to make a special present this year, choose a personalized greeting card. Using one or more pictures together with some specific seasonal elements I...

vineri, 16 decembrie 2022

Giveaway - Felicitari Crăciun

Giveaway - Felicitari Crăciun
UPDATE GIVEAWAY. Va multumesc pentru participare, celor care au facut-o! Am ales-o pe @rebek.acuj_ drept castigatoare! Mi-a placut urarea ei, desi nu suna bine in totalitate, dar e un sâmbure de adevar in ce a scris. Ea are 24 h la dispozitie sa imi raspunda la mesaj, daca nu, voi alege alt castigator. STATISTICI postari giveaway pe Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, Blogger 3819 afisari 155 likes 4 salvari 4 persoane înscrise 2 pers au respectat toate regulile concursului GIVEAWAY de sezon, fac cadou un set de 6 felicitari de Craciun pe care le puteti scrie si darui prietenilor vostri impreuna cu cadourile de Craciun. Fiecare prieten va avea o felicitare diferita anul acesta. Cum participati? + follow conturilor mele (daca aveti conturi pe aceste retele de socializare)                     >  instagram @maria_epura s,                      >  facebook @rourbnstyle ...

sâmbătă, 10 decembrie 2022

Stylized Map

Stylized Map
I had to make a stylized map after a photo of another map by using the colors from a logo. Client's feedback :  thank you I will add positive feedback - you have been very easy to deal with and quick turnaround - very much appreciated - I will let you know if I have further requirements too. Thanks again Maria!

marți, 29 noiembrie 2022

Home Monitoring Kit, Home Keeping Kit, Home Management Planner Printable, House Organizer, Printable Housekeeping Set, House Management

Home Monitoring Kit, Home Keeping Kit, Home Management Planner Printable, House Organizer, Printable Housekeeping Set, House Management
I tried over time many forms of keeping track of work around the house and I found this style, writing progress on plain paper the most appealing to me. Paper still  has it's charm now in this digital age, and it's a medium I find to be helpful.  I created these forms for me to help me be better organized in home keeping and as they worked for me, I thought maybe they could help somebody else too, why not you? They are in .pdf format easily printed in A4 format and then filed in a folder you can make for your home. There are 14 files: Home Management: + cleaning; + bathroom-inventory; + kitchen-freezer Inventory; + kitchen-fridge Inventory; + pantry-inventory; + plants. Self Care: + bathroom-habits, write your self-care habits to keep track of them; + repeatable ideas, why not write down all those good new ideas; + little accidents, they are inevitable, why not write them down; + kitchen-meals, write down when, what you cook; + sport, write down when you make sport; + health, ...

vineri, 11 noiembrie 2022

Bring a smile to someone's day

Bring a smile to someone's day
  2022.11.20   smiling flower /  floare zambitoare I bought a Ultrabook 2in1 Asus Zenbook 14 Flip because I wanted a laptop and a tablet to draw on. This one of my first drawings on it. How do you like it? Am cumparat un Ultrabook 2in1 Asus Zenbook 14 Flip pentru ca vroiam si laptop dar si tableta pe care sa desenez. Acesta este unul dintre primele desene facute. Cum va place?

vineri, 28 octombrie 2022

Calf Pen Design

Calf Pen Design
I did the design for a calf pen for one of my clients for an international exposition they will attend. The design implied photoshopping the calf onto the straw to look realistic and placing the text in a creative manner.

duminică, 16 octombrie 2022

Ranch Logo

Ranch Logo
I did the logo for a ranch. The requirements were that it was a hand-written, cursive font and looked old styled.  final version initial versions,  for the 3rd the client wanted to see how barbed wire looked in the logo so I complied

miercuri, 5 octombrie 2022

Draw this in your style

Draw this in your style
Draw this in your style by @ andreeaillustration inspired by @ stefanateodoroiu with the help of @ wacomromania I am a big fan of both girls so I couldn't resist this dtiys. I also like wacom tablets, I have an older version myself, still learning how to use it. Hope you like my take on this dtiys. Have a nice autumn! #dtiys #drawing #coreldraw #vector #autumn #girl #cat #flowers #illustration #wacomcozyfest  my version  original version, by @andreeaillustration

joi, 29 septembrie 2022

eBook Raport

eBook Raport
Am realizat un Raport - un eBook de 18 pagini in format Word/ Google Docs pentru MonicaDucu.ro . Mi-a placut acest proiect, a trebuit sa fac un design modern in nuante de albastru si aqua. Am alternat culorile pentru un pic de varietate in designul paginilor.  I made the design of a Report - a 18 pages long eBook in Word/ Google Docs format for  MonicaDucu.ro . I enjoyed working on this project, I had to make a modern design using blue and aqua colors. I alternated the colors for a little variation in the page design. coperta/ cover a bulleted list

vineri, 9 septembrie 2022

Pray for Peace

Pray for Peace
  I started drawing this poster as a theme for Graphic Days  Poster design theme, "Roar War". It represents a girl praying for peace with all her inner light, a light that lights up the dark, the dark of war. But then my health had a major hit (I am still in convalescence) and I couldn't work on this poster no more. I decided I like it as it is and sent it with delay to the organizers, it probably won't be taken into consideration. But it's my prayer for Ukrainian People, a prayer for PEACE! Hope it reaches you and touches your heart somehow so you can find in yourself the energy to pray for them also, pray for Peace! I don't know what else to do. 

duminică, 21 august 2022

Ghiseul.ro - concurs logo

Ghiseul.ro - concurs logo
2021.11.19  RO: Ghiseul.ro a organizat concurs de alegere a noului lor logo. Propunerea mea, eu m-am gandit sa evidentiez litera e - de la electronic si sa fac sa se vada delimitarea de ghiseu printr-o linie galbena. Am introdus si ideea de card ca o linie suplimentara la e. Nu am ajuns intre finalisti. Cred ca logo-ul meu a fost prea complicat si cu prea multe idei adunate si nu am folosit culorile steagului Romaniei.   EN: Ghiseul.ro organized a contest to choose their new logo. My proposal, I thought of highlighting the letter e - from electronic and making the delimitation of the counter visible through a yellow line. I also introduced the card idea as an additional line to the e. I didn't make it to the finalists. I think that my logo was too complicated and with too many ideas gathered and I didn't use the colors of the Romanian flag. Afisul de concurs, concursul a fost anuntat pe facebook. Propunerea Castigatoare - Iulia Stefanica E un logo simplu si frumos, s...