Newsletter Martie '25
*Retrospectivă luna Martie:* Munca, Sănătate, Familie, Prieteni, Gătit,
Cărți, Muzică, Filme, Desen, Modă, Grădină.
*1. MUNCĂ:* Am avut un proiect mai ma...
Acum 2 zile
My objective is to create materials, experiences, adventures with impact
that will make the world a little bit more beautiful and also enrich people's lives.
Practically speaking I can help you with graphical design of logos, flyers, banners, brochures, greeting cards,
menus, catalogs, packaging. Any material you may need for print or web, I can help you!
2025.03.30 - Colaj inspirat de Primavara / Spring (decupaje din reviste, ambalaje, calendare etc) RELATED: + Iarna / Winter